WELCOME TO THE DIGITAL ARCHIVE OF THE CREATIVE VISION FACTORY! Here you will find individual bios of the artists at the Factory, catalog of their works, and digital stories on the public mural projects. Founded in 2011, the Creative Vision Factory has been a community space and arts studio providing health and social services to many creative individuals, who in turn have made significant impact on the arts and cultural landscape of Wilmington, Delaware. For more, visit the main site here.
This ongoing archive project has been a collaborative effort amongst faculty and students at the University of Delaware and the members of the Factory. Through a semester-long reflection on art as a form of collective action, community self-care, and creative response to structural inequalities, the students in these experiential/experimental courses, taught by Professor Anne Bowler (Sociology) and Michael Kalmbach (Art; Founder/Director of CVF), have developed the content for this digital archive. Organized by David J. Kim, as a part of the Wilmington Archives Project, we hope to continue to document and promote various community-based efforts to reimagine the city of Wilmington.
WAP funding provided by the Interdisciplinary Humanities Research Center (IHRC).
Fall/18 course funding provided by the Partnership in Arts & Culture (PAC).
David J. Kim, Project, Database and Web Design
Michelle Byrnes, Web Design
Brenna Smith, Photography
UD Students
Fall/18 (Sociology of Art, Dr. Anne Bowler)
Benet Burton
Dillon DiGuglielmo
Dianna Ruberto
Geraldo Gonzalez
Joshua Stout
Kenneth Gonzalez
Rhonika Daniels
Samm Ruppersberger
Stella Castor
Abby Cottrill (TA)
Fall/19 (Sociology of Art, Dr. Anne Bowler)
Grace Armstrong
Shannon Bedhief
Roni Fraser
Julia Governali
Madison Muller
Jayde Shields
Joshua Stout (TA)
The students in Spring/18 (Art of Social Change, Michael Kalmbach) are listed in the video credits.