Ken Carley


Artist Name

Ken Carley

Artist Name

Ken Carley

Birth year or Llife span

b. 1958

Artist "Identity"



Ken Carley (also known as Thou Art Perplexed), illustrates the “experimentation and discovery” of art through his creations. Composed of a variety of media, including acrylic paint and wood, Carley’s abstract art pieces incorporate a mix of geometric shapes and curved figures. Carley describes his experimental process as “New Beginnings Every day without being bored”, and was inspired to create art by his grandfather, a woodworker. Born in Michigan and raised in Sandusky, his first experience with art came from drawing concepts from TV. Carley’s practice is based at the Creative Vision Factory in Wilmington, DE where he’s been a member since February 2013. His artwork has been exhibited at Artzscape and several other venues in the Wilmington area.

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